[. . . ] Any new or updated drivers can be downloaded from SMC's Web site at http://www. . smc. com. 2. Insert the CD-Rom that comes in the package and specify the location "D:\" and click "Next". WINDOWS 98/ME INSTALLATION 1. Windows 98/Me will automatically detect the new hardware and prompt you to install the driver. Click "Next" to copy files from the CD-Rom. English English 3 4 4. [. . . ] This configuration software includes the following functions: Monitor Allow you to monitor network status and configure parameters for the wireless adapter. Show the statistics of the wireless adapter. Click "Modify" to configure "Operating Model", "Channel", "SSIDl" and "Tx Rate". After configuration, just click "Apply" to save the changes. Operating Mode Set the station operation mode to io802. 11 AdHocl1 for network configurations that do not have any Access Points, or to "Infrastructure" for configurations with Access Points. ("Infrastructure" is the default setting) Channel If you are setting up an ad hoc wireless LAN, set the channel number to the same radio channel as that used by the other wireless clients in your group. However, if you are connecting to a network via an Access Point, then the channel is automatically set to the channel of the Access Point that the adapter connects to. Input an SSID string that you want to connect to ("ANY" is the default setting). If you will be roaming among multiple Access Points with different BSSID's, a value of "ANY" will allow connection to any SSID. Select appropriate transmission speed to match your wireless LAN settings. (Default: Fully Automatic) 14 English Statistics English Site Survey Scan/Show all the APs in range. Show the version information. Monitor Screen When you start the wireless USB utility, the information window for the SMC2662W-AR is shown as the figure below. Click on the "Monitor" tab to monitor the network status of the wireless adapter, including the BSS ID, current channel, link quality, and signal strength. SSID Tx Rate 13 PS Mode Enable the Power Saving Mode for reducing power loading. (Default: Disabled) Site Survey Screen The Site Survey screen displays all AP's in wireless LAN, and you can choose one of them to connect to by double clicking. Note : The "Channel" can only be set when the "Operating Model" is "802. 11 Ad-Hoc". English Encryption Screen The Statistics screen The Statistics screen displays "Data Frames" and "Management Frames". Encryption For more secure data transmission, set the "Encryption" to "128-bit" or "64-bit" to ensure wireless network security. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is implemented in this adapter to prevent unauthorized access to your wireless network. The 128-bit setting gives a higher level of security, but the setting must be the same as other clients in your wireless network. (Default: Disabled) The WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) implemented in SMC's EZ Connect Wireless USB adapter is based on an RC4 encryption algorithm. The security keys provided to ensure data confidentiality are four 10 digit keys for the 64-bit WEP setting (first screen below) and one 26-digit key for the 128-bit WEP setting (second screen below). This WEP security protects your wireless LAN against eavesdropping and unauthorized access by hackers or unexpected intruders. English 15 16 Create with Passphrase Security keys for WEP encryption are generated from your Passphrase string, so you must use the same passphrase on all the other stations in your network. Manual Entry "Manual Entry" allows the user to manually enter key elements. ( 2 Hexadecimal digits in each block) Default Key ID Choose the Key ID that has the encryption string you prefer. If you are using a key generated from Passphrase, you must use the same Passphrase and key on each station. English English To use the WEP function, take the following steps: 1. [. . . ] · Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from the one which the receiver is connected to. · Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. CE Mark Declaration of Conformance This is to certify that this product complies with ISO/ IEC Guide 22 and EN45014. It conforms to the following specifications: EMC: EN55022(1988)/CISPR-22(1985) Class B IEC 61000-4-2(2000) 4kVCD/8kVAD IEC 61000-4-3(2000) 3V/m IEC 61000-4-4(2000) 1kV- (power line) IEC 61000-4-6(2000) 3Vrms IEC 61000-4-11(2000) 3Vrms This product complies with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, and carries the CE Mark accordingly. English 25 26 English SPECIFICATIONS Functional Criteria Data Rate Transmission Mode Network Connection Operating Range 1, 2, 5. 5, 11 Mbps Half duplex IEEE 802. 11b wireless Max distance of 11Mbps: 180m (590ft) Max distance of 5. 5Mbps: 300m (984ft) Max distance of 2Mbps: 450m (1476ft) Max distance of 1Mbps: 550m (1800ft) Standards Conformance Certification IEEE 802. 11b FCC Part 15 ETSI 300. 328 ARIB STD 33 & 66 Software NDIS Driver/Utility Windows 98 Windows Me Windows 2000 Radio Signal Signal Type Operating Frequency Sensitivity Modulation Output Power Direct Sequence Spread-Spectrum (DSSS) USA, Canada and ETSI: 2. 4~2. 4835GHz Japan: 2. 4~2. 497GHz 1, 2, 5. 5 Mbps: -80 dBm, 11 Mbps: -78 dBm (minimum) CCK, BPSK, QPSK >+15dBm (minimum) English English Physical Characteristics Current Consumption Dimensions Weight Antenna LED Indicator Host Interface TX 450mA Max RX 320mA Max Typical 350mA Max 133 x 108 x 30mm (5. 23 x 4. 25 x 1. 18 in) 181 g (6. 38 oz) Dual dipole antenna Power, RX, TX USB specification reversion 1. 1 27 28 Copyright Information furnished by SMC Networks, Inc. However, no responsibility is assumed by SMC for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. [. . . ]